
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Liam Neeson Is in Hot Water, As He Should Be

By now everyone has seen the posts or heard the news regarding Liam Neeson's very racist statement, if not just Google his name.  I am trying to understand why he is even trying to justify his statement, there is absolutely no justification for it.  The person who conducted the interview in which he made this statement, actively tried to put some psychology behind it to justify him feeling that way.  Are you kidding me, he actively went looking to kill any random black person because his friend was allegedly raped by a black man (I say allegedly because no other information corroborating the event was given).  After the statement came out he tries to say he was not being racist, if that's not racism, wanting to harm or kill a person because of the color of their skin...  Seriously are we even questioning this, really...  I know many black people who have been viciously attacked by a white person and never not once have I ever heard any one of them say "I want to walk around and kill random white people."  If I ever hear them say anything close to this I will definitely let them know they are being racist and they need to seek some professional help.  There are bad people in the human race, every bad person in the world is not a black person.  Why would you randomly go out and kill innocent black people because your friend was allegedly raped by a black man.  All of you out there trying to provide justification for Liam Neeson, you all are worse than he is.  No more Liam Neeson movies for me, and that's all I'm going to say about that. 

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